House Rules

House Rules 2016
Fort Oasis Apartment Owners Association

These house rules have been unanimously agreed to by the Executive Committee of the FOAOA. They may be amended as and when required by the EC. Property manager is authorised by the EC of the FOAOA to enforce these rules strictly on all residents, owners, tenants and visitors -- irrespective of whether they are members of FOAOA or not -- with physical assistance of Security staff if necessary.


  1. External gates &  main entrances of Blocks, Towers will be locked from 11:00 PM till 5:00 AM and will be opened by security on request. Back doors will be shut in Blocks : 9:00PM - 5:00AM  and in Towers : 8:00 PM - 8:00AM.
  2. All guests and visitors will be stopped and checked at two points -- once at external gate and once in the lobby. Registers will be maintained at both points to record, name, phone number & flat to be visited. If resident is available on intercom, permission will be sought before visitor is allowed to proceed.
  3. Drivers, servants and maids will have to carry cards issued by FOAOA and bearing number of flat where person works. If a person works at multiple flats he or she would need to carry multiple cards. Cost of cards will be borne by flat owner and cards must be taken back when final dues are settled and servant leaves employment.


  1. Throwing of garbage, cigarette-butts, paan-spit  in the common areas is strictly prohibited. All household garbage should be neatly packed in plastic bags and deposited at designated points before 10AM. “Rubbish” generated during fit-out and repairs will have to be disposed of by flat owner with their own labour and cannot be left in the areas designated for daily household garbage.
  2. Residents are strongly urged not feed dogs, birds, fishes in the common areas. Pet dogs should be kept on leash and should not be allowed to relieve themselves in common areas. If they do, owner should clean up.


  1. Residents who have allotted parking areas will only park in their allotted area, whether in the basement, covered or open areas.
  2. Residents without allotted parking areas and visitors will park in parking slots identified by security staff and have their names, flats, mobile numbers ( and that of their drivers) registered with Main Gate in case their car needs to be moved for the convenience of others, including the owner of that specific parking slot.

Fitout & Repair

  1. Repairs and fitout that involve any kind of noise and dust generation will be permitted only between 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM and 3:00 PM - 6:00 PM from Monday to Saturday. Prohibited at other times and on Sunday, Holidays. Workers must use back gate, stop work at 6:00PM and leave premises by 7:00 PM.
  2. Property manager must be informed and his concurrence in writing should be obtained before initiating any activity that (a)takes more than than 2 days (b) Involves breakage of the wall or floor even if only to access electrical ducts, water and sewage pipes.
  3. Under no circumstances will any structural changes be made to the walls and beams without a sanctioned plan from KMC and permission of Property manager.

Common Facilities / Areas

  1. Common facilities including gym, swimming pool, lawns, corridors, roof are meant for personal individual use by residents - both owners and permanent tenants.
    1. The Sub-Committee for Club will define specific rules that specify what is allowed and not allowed in the Club, Gym and Banquet.
  2. Common areas cannot be used for the storage of building materials or the placement of furniture on permanent basis.
    1. Maids, servants, drivers are not allowed to loiter in common areas, including lawns and parks. They will stay in areas designated by Property Manager.
    2. In Towers, maids & servants will access lifts from First Floor, not Ground Floor Lobby unless they are carrying heavy bags or other goods.
    3. Smoking and chewing of gutka is not allowed in the Common Areas.
    4. Picking of flowers in the Common Area gardens is strictly prohibited.
  3. Any group activity, with or without external participants needs explicit permission from Property Manager / FOAOA. If there is any kind of financial transaction involved then Form 4 needs to be filled in and submitted to FOAOA.
  4. No resident or guest will cause damage or engage in behaviour that can cause damage to any common facility. Any resident is authorised to request offending person to cease and desist and take help from security to protect the common facilities on the campus. Cost of damage to common facilities will be recovered from resident who has caused damage.

                                                                                Dated : 30th July 2016
sd/- Ajit Daga

President FOAOA 2016-17