Saturday, 28 April 2018

AGM Notice : Sunday, 13th May 2018, 10 AM

F O A O A 

 Annual General Body Meeting     

Sunday, 13th May 2018, 10 AM

Notice is hereby given the Annual General Body Meeting of the Fort Oasis Apartment Owners Association (FOAOA)  for the financial year 2017-2018 will be held at the Banquet Hall of the Fort Oasis complex on Sunday 13th May 2018 at 10 AM.  FOAOA members who have cleared all maintenance dues from July 2016 are welcome to participate.
The Agenda will be as follows

  1. Report of the Executive Committee FOAOA, 2017-18 on all incidents and activities during the year 2017-2018
  2. Presentation of the FOAOA Accounts for the year 2017-2018
  3. Election of the Executive Committee for the year 2018-2019, if the number of nominations received is more than 24 
  4. Appointment of Auditors and fixing of their remuneration

s/d Secretary FOAOA 2017-18
27th April 2018

F O A O A 
 Call for Nominations

Nominations are invited for the posts of members of the Executive Committee of the FOAOA for the year 2018-19

Owners of apartments that have no outstanding dues from July 2016 are most cordially requested to obtain a copy of the nomination form from Property Manager’s Office or download from , fill up the same and and submit the same to the Secretary FOAOA or the Property Manager’s office by Sunday 6th May 2018, 6:00 PM. Scanned copies of nomination forms may be sent to this email address :

s/d Secretary FOAOA 2017-18
27th April 2018