36A, 36B, 37, Panditya Road, Kolkata –700029
Dated August 30, 2016Dear Owners & Residents,
We are glad to announce that as we enter into our second year of Durga Puja Celebrations, we plan to make this event much larger in scale than before.
To start with, the Puja will be held in the most prime position of our complex, in the midst of the Central Lawn. There will be a souvenir publication, cultural programme, get-together and sumptuous food that will keep us busy during these festive days. A special Durga Puja Committee has been formed for the purpose.
However, a lot needs to be done and without your active participation, it’s just not possible
Contributions: To meet our expenses for the great occasion, we appeal to all Owners/Residents, to contribute Rs.2100/- and above or any amount generously. Your contribution should be sent to:
i ) Mr. B. K. Daga
ii) Mr. Kamal Bagrodia
iii) Mr. J. Marwah
iv) Mr. Sundip Gupta
v) Mr. V. Dhurka
Souvenir Publication : Our first souvenir was well received and acknowledged by our residents/owners, their friends, well-wishers and our contributors alike.
The preparations are on. This year, we want you to be at your creative best and write articles, poems and short stories, as well as drawings and paintings. We are depending on your creative contribution. Write-up should be within 600 words in English, Bengali or Hindi and you may send it to us by e-mail*/CD/hard-copy latest by 15th Sept’16.
Sponsorship : We also appeal to all our Owners/Residents to bring in sponsors through their friends, well wishers, business establishments or any other social and cultural organization. The sponsor advertisement will be published in our upcoming souvenir. Their banners/hoardings can be displayed in any mutually suitable appropriate position. You may collect the Advertisement form from the undersigned.
Cultural Programmes: We are pleased to mention that this year we have associated with “The Telegraph” to have cultural programmes at par with other well-known residential complexes in Kolkata. The lively programmes will be organized by T2, and our Puja will be eligible for awards by The Telegraph.
We look forward to your whole hearted valuable support and wish you a festive season filled with cheer.
For any clarifications or assistance do not hesitate to reach us (Ms.Vijaya Bhatia - Ph.98310 76905; Mr. Manoj Mehta – Ph.93302 24750). You may also visit our website, for latest updates, from time to time.
We will make this DURGA PUJA 2016 a grand success.
Yours Sincerely,
Ms. Vijaya Bhatia, Convenor Mr. Manoj Mehta
The Durga Puja Committee Chairman
FOAOA Cultural Committee
*E-mail id -;